Here you will find all the information relating to North West Squash League.
Summary of the League Rules
1. All league players must be registered members of a club in North West.
2. All league players must have been issued with a league registration number.
3. In the event of any team playing an unregistered or ineligible player, the Association shall be entitled to award full points for the game and for the players in the lower number positions to the opposing team.
4. A player having started for a club in a season, may not, during the course of that season, play for another club during the remainder of that season, without the consent of the Association. If a league is finished, and the player is a member of another club that is still playing league, the player will be allowed to help out if the club still playing league is in a higher league than that of the player's league that has finished.
5. The order of players must be according to the ladder order of the club. This also applies if reserves are used.
6. Where clubs enter more than one team in any league, the club shall nominate a dedicated 4 player team at the beginning of the season. Reserves may then be nominated by the club that will service teams during the year for that club at their strength positions.
7. Reserves must be paid up registered league players to be able to do service for their clubs.
8. No player may play in more than one league in any period of seven consecutive days, commencing on a Monday. In a case where this happens, the 2nd match will be disqualified as well as all the lower number positions.
9. No matches may be postponed, except in the case of official squash tournaments, like SACD or SA Nationals, in which case it must be completed before the next scheduled fixture.
10. If a team is short of players, all the players must move up in position. Hereby the match in the lowest position/s will be awarded to the opponent.11. Both captains are responsible to hand in, or fax a signed scorecard the next day. Scorecards filled in on the website are also acceptable, but all the relevant information must be filled in. This include league numbers, dates, game scores, league level, club names. Penalties will be awarded if captains are negligent.
12. Fixtures are to start 18h30 at the venue according to the fixture list. In the case of matches against Rustenburg, the match should start at 19h00 unless otherwise agreed between the captains.
13. In all matches the rules of play shall be the rules laid down by Squash SA.
1. TEAMSAll entries must reach the administrator by 16 February 2015. The names of the players in each team must be handed in in order of strength. Each player must be registered.
2.1. The playing order of every match shall be 4,3,2,1 except where arranged by two captains to facilitate the individual event.
2.2. Each team shall score 1 point for each game won. The winning team shall receive 1 additional bonus point for every match won. The losing side is awarded the number of games won in the match.2.3Scoring will be PAR 15 for Reserve and Second leagues. Premier league will play PAR 11.
2.3. Scoring will be PAR 15 for Reserve and Second leagues. Premier league will play PAR 11.
Both captains must fax/fill in on the website and send/email the scorecards to the league organizer.
A levy of R170 per team to the North West Squash Racket Association. A levy of R25 per player must also be paid. If the fee is not paid by 28 February 2015, that team will not be allowed to play.
6.1. Normal S.A. Squash rules apply.
6.2. Order of strength cannot be changed.
6.3. Marker and referee from each team.
6.4. Fixtures to start on time.
6.5. Best of five games.
6.61. September - 30 April - New High Altitude green dot ball.
1 May - 31 August - Double yellow dot ball.
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